Brazilian artist Fernanda Gomes’ renowned practice is rooted in the possibilities of everyday materials, such as leftover cardboard or discarded cigarette ends. At the root of her minimalism is a desire to create connections with material, form, space, and light, linking her to the Brazlian Constructivist and Neoconcrete traditions of the 1950s and 60s. Gomes has exhibited internationally for over two decades, including at the 50th Venice Biennale, CAPC- Bordeaux, Vienna’s Secession, Sao Paulo’s Pinacoteca, and Mexico City’s Fundación Jumex, Torino’s Fondazione Sadretto Re Rebaudengo, among many other solo and group exhibitions. Her work is collected by major museums worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate Modern in London.

Gomes’ limited edition artist book from 2018 features seven hand-folded paper sculptures in a linen-bound archival box.

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